Group Life Insurance


Group Life Insurance

Group life insurance is a policy that covers multiple individuals who are associated with or share certain common characteristics. These individuals can be part of groups, associations, or organizations. Like any other life insurance policy, the primary goal of this policy is to provide financial protection to policyholders in case of unexpected events that could jeopardize their physical well-being, ability to work, or life itself.

This type of insurance is often used by companies to provide protection to their employees and beneficiaries designated by the employees. This insurance can be contracted by businesses of any size, from small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to large corporations. With this insurance, it is possible to cover anywhere from a few employees to hundreds or thousands of collaborators.

General Characteristics of Group Life Insurance:

Characteristics When Purchased by a Company:

Advantages of Obtaining Group Life Insurance:

Cost Savings:

ne of the primary advantages of group life insurance is the lower premium cost compared to individual life insurance. This is because insurers offer discounts to companies based on the number of employees they wish to cover.

Tax Benefits:

Group life insurance premiums are tax-deductible. According to the SAT (Tax Administration Service), in Article 27, Section XI, it is established that premium payments for life insurance that benefits employees are deductible, as long as all insured employees are treated equally.

Financial Protection:

Acquiring group life insurance translates into financial protection for the company, as the insurance company will provide financial support to the policyholder in the event of the death, disability, or loss of an organ of any of its employees. The beneficiary, in this case, would be the employee or their family.

Reduction of Administrative Costs:

If you are an employer or business owner, obtaining group life insurance for your employees will save you administrative costs, as you only need to complete a single policy application for your entire workforce.

Peace of Mind for Employees:

Providing collective insurance for your employees can increase their confidence in your company, which can lead to increased productivity, loyalty, and commitment to their work.

Flexibility in Coverage:

Besides accidental death coverage, you can add other coverages to enhance your employees' protection, such as coverage for the diagnosis of a critical illness for one of your employees.

Likewise, you can also hire assistance for you and your workers. Some of the assistance are:

Business Personal

    Protect your business

      Security and tranquility for your family
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      We are a team that cares about the heritage and growth of people, and our purpose is to give protection, support and solutions to the needs of our clients so that they are always safe.

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      +(52) 3335 63 1300


      At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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      (10am - 05 pm)