Group Personal Accident Insurance


Group Personal Accident Insurance

Accident and sickness plans also come in the group format. Unlike Group Life Insurance, Group Personal Accident Insurance can be extended to the dependents of the Insured, providing family-wide coverage.

Types of Plans

The modalities of Group Personal Accident Insurance can include the following:

Group Personal Accident:

Group Personal Accident Insurance offers the following coverages:

Accidental Death: The company will pay the Sum Insured for this coverage if the Insured dies as a result of an accident within 90 days following the accident.

Loss of Organs: The company will pay the Insured compensation equal to the result of applying the percentages to the contracted Sum Insured.

Personal Accident Travel:
Traveling for business has become a common function in companies. Many passengers traveling by private or company cars, buses, aircraft, by sea, etc., do so for business purposes rather than pleasure.
The trips of employees, executives, and people working for a company can be covered by a plan that collectively insures all employees who travel.

Group School Accident Insurance:

Taking care of the little ones who attend school does not always guarantee that they will not have accidents. The nature of their behavior puts them at constant risk of accidents, which would impose liability on the school that would have to pay compensation and cover the necessary medical expenses for an injured child.
To address this issue, there is School Accident Insurance, which will provide coverage to students from the moment they leave home for school and until they return, as well as other situations listed below.
Coverage is available from the age of 3 to 65. The policy may include teaching and administrative staff whose age does not exceed 65 for initial enrollment and 69 for renewal. Regarding the number of Insured, a minimum of 25 is considered.

Business Personal

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