Auto Insurance


Auto Insurance

Being a driver in Mexico and wondering what auto insurance is can be more common than you might think. According to official figures, more than 70% of drivers are not insured, and they don’t have a detailed understanding of what auto insurance is. Only 7.4 million vehicles have insurance, according to government records.

For this reason, it’s essential to know that auto insurance is a policy that provides financial protection to the driver against unexpected events such as traffic accidents, theft, collisions, or damage to third parties.

Individual Auto Insurance is a contract between the car owner and an insurance company. In the event of an accident, the policy allows the insured to cover physical and material damages that occur during the traffic incident.



It is the protection commitment contracted by the user and guaranteed by the insurance company. Specific coverage determines how far the insurance company will respond to the customer, i.e., whether the insurance will cover the customer in case of total or partial theft, material damage, accidents, legal assistance, among others.

Coverage is usually divided into packages, with the most common being comprehensive, limited, and basic.

Comprehensive coverage generally includes all types of coverage, limited coverage is lower than comprehensive because it excludes coverage for material damages. Basic coverage only includes the basic coverages, excluding material damages and vehicle theft.

Although these coverages may vary depending on the insurer, they are typically handled in this way.

General Conditions:

his document defines the risks and coverages included in the contract that both the insurance company and the customer must comply with.


This is represented by a percentage that determines the amount the insured must cover for the expenses of each claim. Once the deductible is paid, the insurance company will cover the remaining costs. The percentage is set in the insurance contract, typically found in the terms of your policy.
An example of a deductible is 5% for material damages. This means the insured must cover 5% of the total cost of their vehicle's repair.


This is the price of the insurance for the coverage package the customer wishes to purchase. This risk is determined by the insurance company by evaluating factors such as gender, age, address, car characteristics, and previous accident incidents.

Sum Insured:

This is the maximum amount the insurance company commits to pay the insured, and it is established in the policy. Its value can be determined by the car's market value at the time of an incident or repair costs.

Liability Insurance:

This is the minimum coverage that the insured can purchase, covering damage caused by the insured to third parties in terms of personal injury or property damage. Typically, any basic coverage package includes this type of liability in its general conditions.

Benefits of Auto Insurance

The advantages of auto insurance depend on the type of coverage purchased from the insurance company. To provide a better understanding, at least three benefits of having auto insurance are listed:

Covers damage to third parties: Auto insurance is financial security that covers drivers who cause damage to third parties. Typically, this coverage can be acquired with at least a liability policy.

Covers material damage: The insurance can cover the repair of the vehicle in case of an incident that harms the vehicle. The coverage percentages and conditions vary depending on the insurance company.

Provides roadside assistance: When you have auto insurance, you can receive assistance on the road during unexpected breakdowns or situations that require timely roadside assistance.

Obviously, the level of benefits will depend on the choice of the various types of auto insurance available in Mexico. Although there are many options to choose from, it’s always better to have insurance and not use it than to need it and not be insured.

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