Fleet Auto Insurance


Fleet Auto Insurance:

Automobile accidents and vehicle theft are the most common claims in Mexico, so businesses with vehicles constantly on the road are exposed to potential financial loss or complete loss of their assets.

To mitigate these risks, it is necessary for businesses, SMEs, and companies with a fleet of cars, vans, and trucks to purchase fleet auto insurance from insurance companies that offer financial products focused on protecting all of a company’s vehicles. This is known as fleet auto insurance.

A fleet of vehicles refers to the set of motor vehicles owned by a company, which plays a significant role in its daily activities and logistics system, used for transporting goods, providing services, distributing merchandise, or even for the daily commute of its employees.

The type of vehicles used by companies depends on their business sector, whether for industrial, manufacturing, or transportation purposes. Vehicle types can range from trucks, pickups, buses, trailers, automobiles, minibuses, taxis, tractor-trailers, or even motorcycles.

Common coverages include:

Physical damage:

Covers repair expenses for a company vehicle damaged in a collision, rollover, scratch, natural disaster, flood, explosion, vandalism, riots, strikes, or other events.


Depending on the vehicle's market value, the insurer reimburses the policyholder for partial theft of the vehicle, theft of essential vehicle parts, stolen accessories covered by the policy, or damages resulting from the theft.

Liability coverage:

If the company is held responsible for causing damage to third parties, the insurer pays compensation according to the incurred cost, thus fulfilling the company's civil responsibility.

Major medical expenses:

This coverage covers costs related to hospitalization, medical treatment, or ambulance transportation if the driver sustains bodily injuries or dies due to a car accident while driving the insured vehicle.

Legal defense:

Both the policyholder and the driver receive legal protection, assistance, and defense provided by an attorney specializing in civil litigation if their freedom is at risk.

Cargo damage:

Protects against the damage caused by cargo, whether it is low-risk items like clothing, plastics, or furniture, medium-risk items such as steel rods or machinery, or high-risk items like toxic products, corrosive substances, and explosives that could harm third parties or cause a total loss in an accident.

Advantages of fleet insurance:

Fleet insurance offers various benefits, including economic advantages. Covering incidents involving multiple vehicles can be costly. However, with the backing of an insurer, the company’s capital remains secure. Additional advantages offered by insurance companies include:

Having fleet insurance creates a trust-based work environment for vehicle drivers, assuring them of support in the event of a claim. Moreover, it ensures compliance with legal requirements for civil liability coverage, which is mandatory for operating vehicles.

Business Personal

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      Reliable, personal and fast.

      We are a team that cares about the heritage and growth of people, and our purpose is to give protection, support and solutions to the needs of our clients so that they are always safe.

      Do you prefer to call an operator?

      Call now: (333) 563 1300

      Sales and help:

      +(52) 3335 63 1300



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