


In Mexico, there are different types of insurance for businesses. Choosing the best one for you will depend on the nature of your business. Some of the most important types of business insurance are as follows:

  • Fire Insurance for Businesses
  • Transportation Company Insurance
  • SME Business Insurance

Transportation Company Insurance

Insurance for transportation service companies is aimed at businesses in the logistics and transportation sector that, by their nature, carry out and coordinate activities such as the transportation of goods or passengers. If you have, for example, a cargo transportation company, business insurance will allow you to protect the value of imported or exported products that are exposed to different risks in their transit by sea, land, or air, and ensure the fulfillment of your services to your customers.

Fire Insurance for Businesses

Business fire insurance protects buildings and their contents in the event of a fire or lightning strike. Additionally, this type of policy typically also covers risks from earthquakes, floods, and even theft, as well as losses due to the suspension of the company’s normal activities as a result of the damage caused by the fire or other incidents included in the coverage.

SME Business Insurance

Insurance for SMEs is aimed at small and medium-sized businesses in the commerce and services sectors, with the goal of providing them with protection in the event of any contingency. If you have, for example, a clothing store, a pharmacy, a laundromat, or a hardware store, SME insurance is ideal for you.

Business Personal

    Protect your business

      Security and tranquility for your family
      Doubts or questions?

      Compare our benefits and allow us to solve your concerns.

      Get your price

      Reliable, personal and fast.

      We are a team that cares about the heritage and growth of people, and our purpose is to give protection, support and solutions to the needs of our clients so that they are always safe.

      Do you prefer to call an operator?

      Call now: (333) 563 1300

      Sales and help:

      +(52) 3335 63 1300



      At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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      (10am - 05 pm)