Various Technical Aspects


Various Technical Aspects

Electronic Equipment:
Electronic equipment comprises devices built using electronic circuits or microcircuits that perform complex functions.
It covers the insured’s electronic equipment that is properly installed at the specified location, whether in operation or at rest, or has been dismantled for cleaning or repair, whether it is owned or rented.

The coverage for electronic equipment operates under the Proportional Indemnification modality, so it is necessary to establish the Sum Insured based on the replacement value of the insured assets and installations.

Machinery malfunction insurance

Machinery refers to a device, part, or set of devices whose function is to transmit or modify force, motion, or energy in general, for the purpose of performing a task or work.
Machinery breakdown insurance provides coverage for machinery used in any business against damages it may sustain, whether from internal or external causes, covering the assets under the «All Risk» modality.
To insure machinery, it is necessary that its design has been approved, with particular care in industries such as mining, cement production, and steelmaking, among others.

Types of Machinery:

Manual, electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic. Examples of machinery include:

Covered Assets:

Covered Assets: All types of machinery used for transformation, production, and/or services that are owned by the insured or under their custody, including pipes and installations. It covers material damages or losses resulting from an accident that requires the repair or replacement of the insured assets, whether they are in operation or not, during maintenance work or when they are dismantled, relocated, and reassembled within the premises specified in the policy, in order to leave them in conditions similar to those existing immediately before the occurrence of the claim.

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Insurance:

Boiler: A closed vessel in which water or another liquid is heated or converted into steam, using heat generated by any fuel source or electricity. Examples of pressure vessels include steam boilers, water heaters, and air or steam receivers. It may also cover peripherals or internals directly related to them, such as combustion chambers and the contents of additional objects. Boilers and pressure vessels, whether with or without a furnace, including their connecting pipes, are covered, provided they are properly installed within the premises of the insured, owned by them or under their custody.

Contractor's Equipment Insurance:

Heavy Equipment: Heavy equipment refers to all motor vehicles capable of carrying, towing, or dragging large volumes or heavy loads, which can vary in weight within a range of 7 to 80 tons or more. These are all self-propelled machines and heavy equipment used for construction, assembly, and do not require registration plates for road use. Coverage extends to all machinery and mobile equipment typically used in civil engineering processes for buildings, houses, roads, bridges, tunnels, etc. Covered equipment may include front-end loaders, backhoes, motor graders, cranes, mixers, pile drivers, power generation plants, crane-mounted booms, and rollers, among others. Vehicles used to transport this equipment on public roads, airplanes, or ships are excluded.

Installation Insurance:

Installation: The process of assembling different parts or pieces with a permanent purpose that complement a machine or structure, which may include its foundation or anchoring, and if necessary, encompasses production testing. Installation or dismantling of machinery, apparatus, equipment, steel structures, boilers, industrial plants, and facilities refers to the process by which the parts or components that make up the total assembly are joined. This insurance covers machinery to be installed and may also consider the civil engineering work in which it will be used. The determination of coverage will depend on the value of the machinery to be installed on the civil engineering work, taking into account the value of both the machinery and the work itself.
Covers: - Dismantling - Reassembling - Material and labor costs
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