Major Medical Expenses


Major Medical Expenses Insurance

Major medical expenses insurance provides financial security by covering medical expenses in case of unexpected health events, such as a medical emergency, accident, or illness. However, it is not designed as a preventive health insurance.

Considering that major medical expenses insurance is corrective, not preventive, it is crucial to know its terms, conditions, exclusions, coverages, extras, whether it is personal or family coverage, waiting periods, and more that you have signed up for. This way, you will know if you are covered or your family is covered when you need medical assistance, especially in an emergency.

You should also be aware that you have the option to expand your coverage and tailor it to your current needs.

Gastos más pequeños que no resulten en un desembolso muy fuerte y que puedes cubrir tú (medicamentos, algunas consultas médicas de especialidad, estudios de laboratorio, etc.) te los puede cubrir el seguro a posteriori, con la condición de que puedas comprobarlos y estén incluidos en las condiciones generales. No olvides solicitar factura de todos los gastos que hagas para que se te reembolsen.

Toma en cuenta que parte del contrato o pacto que haces con la aseguradora incluye algo que se llama deducible, una cantidad fija que tienes que pagar tú por cada evento médico que tengas. Y en muchas ocasiones también tienes que pagar el coaseguro, un porcentaje del gasto total que se hizo por cada evento médico que presentes.

En cualquiera de los casos, las cantidades que tienes que pagar son mucho menores que si tuvieras que desembolsar el total de los gastos.

Finalmente, y a manera de colofón, ¿sabes si tu familia está incluida en tu seguro de gastos médicos mayores? Si no, no esperes un día más. Recuerda que los eventos médicos no avisan. Evítate caer en una situación financiera insostenible y garantízale a tu familia la atención médica en caso de necesitarla. Contacta hoy mismo a uno de nuestros agentes de seguros y pregunta por las coberturas familiares.

General Recommendations

For significant expenses (hospitalizations, surgeries, specialized medical tests, ambulance transfers, international medical care, medical fees, etc.), the insurance company typically has agreements with hospitals and clinics that are part of their network of partners.

So when you have a medical event, it is recommended that you already know or have a list of hospitals or clinics with which your insurance company has agreements and to which you can go at no cost or at a preferential cost.
Smaller expenses that do not result in significant expenditures and that you can cover yourself (medications, some specialized medical consultations, laboratory tests, etc.) can be reimbursed by insurance, provided that you can provide proof and they are included in the general conditions. Don’t forget to request a receipt for all expenses you make to be reimbursed.

Keep in mind that part of the agreement or contract you make with the insurance company includes something called a deductible, a fixed amount that you must pay for each medical event you have. In many cases, you also have to pay a co-payment, a percentage of the total expense incurred for each medical event you present.
In any case, the amounts you have to pay are much lower than if you had to pay the total costs yourself.

Finally, as a conclusion, do you know if your family is included in your major medical expenses insurance? If not, don’t wait any longer. Remember that medical events don’t come with prior notice. Avoid getting into an unsustainable financial situation and ensure that your family has access to medical care when needed. Contact one of our insurance agents today and inquire about family coverage options.

Finally, as a conclusion, do you know if your family is included in your major medical expenses insurance? If not, don’t wait any longer. Remember that medical events don’t come with prior notice. Avoid getting into an unsustainable financial situation and ensure that your family has access to medical care when needed. Contact one of our insurance agents today and inquire about family coverage options.

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