Key Employee Insurance


Key Employee Insurance

This life insurance policy arises from the need that companies have to compensate for the decrease in productivity that the death or disability of their «Key Employees» could cause. The goal is to build capital that the company can use to replace or train an individual who can fill the role. Additionally, there is a tax basis that allows it to be «deductible,» with fiscal arguments that make it very appealing to some companies.

Key Employee

Insurance Features

Employees or owners who:

Advantages of Key Employee Insurance

Empresariales Personales

    Protect your business

      Security and tranquility for your family
      Doubts or questions?

      Compare our benefits and allow us to solve your concerns.

      Get your price

      Reliable, personal and fast.


      We are a team that cares about the heritage and growth of people, and our purpose is to give protection, support and solutions to the needs of our clients so that they are always safe.

      Call now: 33 3563 1300

      Sales and help:

      +(52) 3335 63 1300


      At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

      Melbourne, Australia
      (Sat - Thursday)
      (10am - 05 pm)